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How To Create Good Habits That Last: 6 Proven Ways

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Hello and welcome to our page, gainpotential! Today, I want to share the key to creating the best version of your life through building good habits. We all know the feeling of setting ambitious goals, whether it’s to exercise regularly, eat healthier, or become more productive, but often, we struggle to stick with them. THE PROBLEM IS IN THE SYSTEM, NOT YOU! Create good habits that last and watch your life transform one small step at a time.

But don’t let your setbacks discourage you! In this blog post, we’ll explore the secrets to creating good habits that stick.

create good habits and delete bad ones
Table of Contents

    The 4 Laws of Habit Change

    There are four laws of habit change, which are pivotal for understanding how to create habits that last:

    1. Cue

    Every habit begins with a cue, a trigger that initiates the behavior. To establish a good habit, you need to make the cue obvious and something that’s part of your daily routine. For example, if you want to build a habit of reading, place your book next to your morning coffee on the bedside table, so it’s the first thing you see when you wake up or sip your brew.

    2. Craving

    Craving is the desire or motivation to perform the habit. This is where you need to associate the habit with a reward. In the case of reading, the reward might be the gained knowledge, the escape from reality, or simply the joy of reading itself. One thing that helped me with the consistency of repeating habits was a calendar. Every day you complete the things that you had to do, you cross the day out. This helps you visualize your work ethic and reassures you why you do or don’t see results.

    3. Response

    Response is the actual aspect of building a habit, you want to form. It should be easy to do. If you want to read more, start with just one page or set a timer for 5 minutes. The key is to make it so simple that you can’t say no. With time, you need to build up your habits. Start small and expand from there. Remember small changes add up!

    4. Reward

    The reward is what reinforces the habit loop. It’s important to make the reward satisfying and immediate. If you’re trying to eat healthier, treat yourself to a small piece of dark chocolate after a nutritious meal. This immediate gratification helps your brain associate the habit with pleasure.

    Create good habits with book Atomic Habits by James Clear

    The 2-Minute Rule

    The most important thing you’ll learn is the “2-Minute Rule”. This rule suggests that you should start your habit with a task that takes less than two minutes to complete. By making it that easy, you remove any excuse not to do it. For instance, if you want to build a habit of exercising, start by putting on your workout clothes or doing a quick 2-minute stretch. Once you’ve begun, it’s easier to keep going.

    The Importance of Consistency

    Consistency is the secret sauce to creating habits that last. You might not see instant results, but over time, these small, consistent actions add up, and that’s when the magic happens. The key is to keep showing up, even on days when you don’t feel like it. Do something that is easy, noticeable, attractive, and brings satisfaction. These are four rules to create a good habit that sticks.

    Consistent indoor track workout

    Tracking Your Progress

    Track your habits and take a step closer to the life you desire. You’ll find it easier to create good habits when you see immediate results. Utilize a habit tracker or a straightforward journal to mark off each day you successfully complete your habit. This visual representation of your progress can be incredibly motivating.

    Stay Accountable

    Share your goals and progress with friends or family who can help keep you accountable. The thing that works wonders is the contract. Write a contract with your partner, family… Stick to the punishment in case of not completing the things you agreed to in the contract. Joining a community of like-minded individuals who are also working on their habits is a good option too. Sharing your journey with others can be inspiring and provide you with the support you need.

    Connecting with fiends and family

    Embrace the Identity

    The most profound change occurs when you shift your identity and embrace the power to create good habits. Instead of perceiving yourself as someone merely attempting to shed weight, envision yourself as someone who excels in sports. When you fully identify with the habit you’re working to build, it seamlessly becomes a part of who you are.


    Creating good habits that will last is all about the small, consistent actions you take each day. Remember the four laws of habit change, the 2-Minute Rule, and the power of identity. The book, I would recommend to you the most is “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. It is a treasure trove of wisdom incorporating even more insights and examples on this subject.

    So, go out there, start small, stay consistent, and become the person you aspire to be through the power of good habits. You’ve got this! 🚀

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